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Inchicore National School, Kilmainham, Dublin


2020/2021 School Year

10th Dec 2020
In November, 5th class looked at fishing in Ireland. We discovered that Ireland...
10th Dec 2020
This week during Golden Time, Ben managed to make this fantastic cards tower! ...
10th Dec 2020
This week for science week, 5th class learned all about electricity. We looked...
8th Dec 2020
8th Dec 2020
We have been talking a lot about patterns. Here are the patterns that we made!
8th Dec 2020
We read the stories 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and 'The Lighthouse Keeper's...
8th Dec 2020
Here we are having fun on our nature walk!
8th Dec 2020
We recently made towers using just paper and sellotape. We had to build them as...